How to Choose the Perfect Outfit for Your Headshot

Getting ready for a headshot session can be a bit nerve-wracking, but one of the most common questions I get asked is, “What should I wear?” The right outfit can make a world of difference in how your headshot turns out, so let’s dive into some tips to help you choose the perfect look.

Young Male Executive, picture-perfect session, headshot photoshoot


1. Know Your Brand:

Before you even step in front of the camera, think about the message you want your headshot to convey. Are you a corporate professional? A creative entrepreneur? Your outfit should reflect your brand. For example, a lawyer might opt for a crisp suit, while a graphic designer could choose something more casual and colorful. The key is to align your outfit with the image you want to project.

Consider who your audience is and how you want them to perceive you. If you’re in a conservative industry, leaning towards more traditional attire might be wise. On the other hand, if you’re in a field that values innovation and creativity, feel free to express that through your clothing choices. Your headshot is an opportunity to visually communicate your personal brand, so choose an outfit that tells your story and resonates with the people you want to connect with.


Female Executive in an orange jacket in Alexandria Virginia

2. Stick to Solid Colors:

Patterns can be distracting and might not translate well on camera, especially in smaller images like headshots. Solid colors tend to photograph better and keep the focus on your face. Blues, grays, and earthy tones are generally safe bets. If you’re unsure, bring a couple of options to your session—better to have choices than to regret your outfit later.

When choosing a color, also consider how it complements your skin tone. Certain colors can enhance your natural complexion, making you look more vibrant and healthy, while others might wash you out. If you’re unsure which shades suit you best, try holding different colored fabrics up to your face in natural light. This can help you see which tones make your skin glow and which might not be as flattering. Remember, the goal is to highlight your best features, not to overshadow them with a bold pattern or an overly bright hue.

Black Male Executive in a gray jacket in Alexandria Virginia

3. Consider Your Background:

Think about where your headshot will be used and the background that will be behind you. If your shoot is against a dark backdrop, wearing dark colors could make you blend in too much. Conversely, if the background is light, opt for something that contrasts slightly. This helps you stand out in the photo.

It’s also important to think about the environment in which your headshot will be viewed. If your headshot is primarily for digital use, like on a website or LinkedIn profile, consider how your outfit’s colors will appear on various screens. The brightness and contrast of digital displays can sometimes alter the appearance of your clothing, so opting for colors that maintain their integrity across different devices is crucial. Additionally, if your headshot will be used in marketing materials or printed on business cards, ensure that your outfit works well with the overall color scheme of your brand to create a cohesive and professional look.

Actor Headshot

4. Keep It Simple:

Less is more when it comes to headshot attire. Avoid overly trendy clothes that might date your photo or anything too flashy that could overshadow your face. Classic, timeless pieces are your best friend here. Simple lines and minimal accessories help keep the focus where it should be—on you.

Simplicity also extends to the details of your outfit. Avoid clothing with logos, text, or any elements that could be distracting or that might shift the focus away from your expression. The goal is to create a clean, polished look that allows your personality to shine through without any unnecessary distractions. Remember, your headshot is about you—your expression, your confidence, and your presence—so let your outfit play a supportive role, enhancing rather than competing with your natural features.

5. Fit Matters:

Make sure your clothes fit well. Baggy or too-tight clothing can be unflattering and uncomfortable, which will show in your photos. Tailored outfits that fit your body just right will enhance your appearance and give you confidence during the shoot.

When it comes to fit, pay attention to the finer details like sleeve length, collar shape, and how the fabric drapes on your body. A well-fitted outfit should move with you, allowing for natural gestures and poses without bunching or pulling. If your outfit needs any adjustments, consider getting it tailored beforehand to ensure it looks its best. Even small tweaks can make a big difference, especially in headshots where every detail is magnified. The right fit not only flatters your figure but also ensures that you feel comfortable and confident, which will translate into more natural, relaxed photos.

6. Accessorize Wisely:

Accessories are not recomended. Having said that they can add a nice touch, but they should complement, not dominate, your look. A simple necklace or a pair of understated earrings can work well. For men, a classic watch or cufflinks can add a bit of polish without stealing the spotlight.

When selecting accessories, aim for pieces that enhance your outfit without drawing attention away from your face. Avoid overly large or flashy items that can become the focal point of the photo. Instead, opt for subtle accents that add a layer of sophistication and interest. For example, a delicate scarf can add a pop of color, or a tasteful belt can define your silhouette. Additionally, consider the texture and materials of your accessories; matte finishes tend to photograph better than shiny ones, which can create unwanted reflections. Remember to keep it balanced—if you choose a statement piece, keep the rest of your accessories minimal. This thoughtful approach ensures that your accessories support your overall appearance, adding depth and personality without overwhelming the simplicity and elegance of your headshot.


Washington DC Lawyer Headshots, Washington DC Attorney Headshots

7. Comfort Is Key:

If you feel good in what you’re wearing, it’ll show in your photos. Choose an outfit that you’re comfortable in—both physically and mentally. If you’re constantly adjusting your clothes or feeling self-conscious, it’ll be harder to relax and give your best smile.

Comfort isn’t just about how the clothes fit; it’s also about how they make you feel. Select an outfit that aligns with your personal style and gives you confidence. When you wear something that feels authentically “you,” it’s easier to relax and let your true personality come through in the photos. Also, consider the environment and duration of your shoot—if it’s going to be a long session, or if you’ll be moving between different locations, make sure your outfit is practical and allows you to move freely. The more at ease you are, the more natural and engaging your headshots will be. Confidence is key, and it starts with feeling comfortable in your own skin—and in your outfit.

8. Bring Options:

It’s always a good idea to bring a few different outfits to your session. This way, you and your photographer can decide together which look works best for the vibe you’re going for. Plus, if you have the time, a quick change can give you a variety of looks to choose from later.
Bringing multiple outfits also gives you the flexibility to adapt to different scenarios or lighting setups that your photographer might suggest. Sometimes, an outfit that looks great in one setting may not work as well in another due to changes in lighting, background, or even how you’re feeling on the day of the shoot. By having a few options on hand, you can experiment with different styles and find what truly flatters you in front of the camera. Additionally, multiple outfits can provide you with a range of headshots for different purposes—perhaps one look for a more formal, professional image and another for a more relaxed or creative context. This way, you’ll have a versatile set of headshots that can serve you in various professional and personal settings.

9. Get a Second Opinion:

Sometimes it’s hard to be objective about your own wardrobe. Don’t hesitate to ask a friend or colleague for their input. A fresh pair of eyes might catch something you missed and give you the confidence that you’re making the right choice.

In addition to seeking feedback from someone whose style you trust, consider involving your photographer in the decision-making process. Photographers have a trained eye for what works well on camera and can offer valuable insights into how certain colors, textures, or fits might appear in your headshots. They might also suggest outfit combinations or adjustments you hadn’t thought of that could enhance your overall look. If possible, share your outfit options with them ahead of time or bring extra choices to the session. Their expertise, combined with feedback from a trusted friend or colleague, can help you feel more assured in your selection, ensuring that you step in front of the camera with complete confidence.

7. Practice in Front of a Mirror:

Before the day of your shoot, try on your chosen outfit and see how it looks in different poses. This can help you spot any potential issues, like awkward bunching or unflattering angles, so you can address them beforehand.

Practicing in front of a mirror also allows you to see how your outfit behaves when you move. Check for any areas that might shift or become unflattering when you turn your head or adjust your posture. This is also a great time to experiment with how different poses might affect the overall look of your outfit. If possible, try to replicate the poses or expressions you plan to use during your shoot to get a sense of how your outfit will look in those scenarios. Additionally, this practice can help you get comfortable with your look, making you feel more at ease and confident when it’s time for the actual headshot session. By doing a bit of pre-shoot practice, you’ll be better prepared to make a great impression in your final photos.Your headshot is often the first impression people get of you, so it’s worth putting some thought into your outfit. Remember, the goal is to look like the best version of yourself—confident, approachable, and professional. With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to a headshot that you’ll love and that truly represents who you are. 🚀✨

Let us start this process and get you the right headshot for you.